House flies
( Musca domestica )
You usually find house flies around open food. The smell of food can attract house flies.
The presence of house flies is certainly very disturbing when found in the area of your business, because it can make customers uncomfortable.
House flies are quite large compared to fruit flies and phorid flies. The characteristic of its body is that it has a blackish gray color.
Fruit Flies
(Drosophila melanogaster)
Fruit flies are a type of pest that has quite a negative impact, especially on agricultural products.
Attractants derived from fruit and vegetables are very popular with fruit flies. The harm caused by fruit flies, for example,
fruit and vegetables rot quickly, which can reduce crop yields and selling value. Morphologically, fruit flies are similar to phorid flies,
However, it is smaller in size, has red compound eyes and a brownish body color.
Phorid flies
(Megaselia halterata)
Phorid flies are flies that really like leftover organic material that accumulates in drains or in sinks.
Phorid flies can lay their eggs in cracks in walls and ceramics. The presence of phorid flies is quite disturbing,
because in general it is often found in areas inside the home or in the F&B business sector. Different from fruit flies, flies
Phorid has black compound eyes and a completely black body color.