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Cockroaches are animals that are quite difficult to control, because cockroaches have many abilities to survive. Some cockroaches' ability to survive, for example, can fit into very narrow gaps, including omnivores and cannibals. Cockroaches are usually found in humid, warm and dark environments. Cockroaches have three stages in their life cycle, namely egg, nymph and adult. The eggs are stored in an egg sac called the ootheca. Many are found around where you live and provide various kinds of negative impacts.


  • The presence of cockroaches can cause discomfort to humans. They can appear in places such as the kitchen and bathroom, disrupting the cleanliness and comfort of the home or living environment.
  • Cockroaches are known as disease carriers because they often consume contaminated organic material, such as garbage, animal feces, or decomposed organic material.
  • Cockroaches have the behavior of regurgitating food that has entered the stomach. So, it can easily transmit disease mechanically to humans through contamination of food.
  • Cockroaches are disease vectors for several pathogenic microorganisms, for example Streptococcus and Salmonella. So cockroaches can play a role in spreading disease to humans.
  • Causing financial losses and loss of trust from customers, if cockroaches are found in the products being sold.

Types of Cockroaches


American Cockroach
(Periplaneta americana)

American cockroaches are usually found in drains (outdoor areas) and like very humid conditions. You can find American cockroaches in areas inside buildings, for example in bathrooms, sinks or gutters. Different With German cockroaches, American cockroaches that are laying eggs will usually lay their eggs where the cockroach breeds. American cockroaches can produce 16-24 eggs in 1 ootheca. This is also influenced by The body size of the American cockroach is larger, so the number of eggs it produces is smaller.


German Cockroach
(Blattella germanica)

German cockroaches are generally found in areas inside buildings (restaurants, housing, hotels or warehouse areas). The size of adult German cockroaches is usually smaller than American cockroaches. Typical characteristics of German cockroaches that is, female cockroaches that are laying eggs always carry ootheca wherever the cockroach goes. In one ootheca of a German cockroach, 30-40 eggs can be produced which will later develop into adult cockroaches. This is what makes it German cockroaches have a wider distribution.



type of COCKROACH German Cockroach
Blatella germanica
American Cockroach
Periplaneta americana
Eastern Cockroach
Blatta orientalis
Cockroach B-banded
Supella longipalpa
Number of Eggs Per Egg Sac 30-40 12-16 12-16 10-18
Duration of Nymph Development 6-12 weeks 6-12 month 6-18 month 2-4 month
Number of Molts 6-7 7-10 7-10 6-8
Length of Adult Life 4-6 month 6-12 month 3-6 month 3-6 month
Number of Egg Sacs per Female 5-8 10-50 8-14 6-13


The control carried out by AAG Pest Control in reducing the cockroach pest population is by carrying out detailed inspections regarding the resting area and breeding site and then using baiting, spraying and also trapping. For further information regarding cockroach pest control, you can contact AAG Pest Control.


Baiting gel can be used to control cockroaches or ant pests. The poison bait used has a domino effect and is safe to use in indoor areas (non-food areas).


Insect Detector is a tool used for monitoring and trapping Crawling Insects. This Insect Detector is safe to use, clean and environmentally friendly and does not use poison bait


Spraying is a treatment for controlling insects using liquid chemicals with water as the solvent. There are several spraying effects such as knockdown or residual. Spraying is carried out only for external areas.